
Wednesday, November 23, 2016

SweepsCity - $100 NutriBullet Gift Card

Take a short survey and be entered to get a $100 gift card for NutriBullet!  Please follow the link below:


Financial Health Reset - Biz Opp - US/CA

Financial Health Reset is the #1 work from home system and will allow users to make money and change their life TODAY! Within 5 minutes they could be making REAL MONEY working from the comfort of their own home!  Please follow the link below:


Financial Health Reset - Biz Opp - US/CA

Financial Health Reset is the #1 work from home system and will allow users to make money and change their life TODAY! Within 5 minutes they could be making REAL MONEY working from the comfort of their own home!  Please Follow the link below:


How To Lose Weight Fast

Diet Plan Tips For Weight Loss

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

6 Women's Shared Story

"I lost weight by finally paying attention to ingredient labels. It seems crazy that I was eating foods like Oreos or even 'healthy' cereals without knowing what was in them for years. I became addicted to sugar. After five years of what seemed like unstoppable weight gain, I finally made a change. After feeling so sick from pigging out over the holidays, I finally agreed to try a cleanse, something I had never tried before. For two weeks, I didn't eat dairy, gluten, processed foods, or added sugars. I heard about sugar being bad for you, but I never thought it made me heavier. Once I broke the sugar addiction, I felt so much better. I was less tired, and I started enjoying the taste of fruit again. After the two-week cleanse, I stayed focused on only eating foods with ingredients that I recognized. I lost more than 50 pounds by focusing on eating whole, natural foods and paying attention to ingredient lists. This is what led me to start my natural skincare business. I believe that knowing what's in your products should not stop in the kitchen." —Rachel Delia, lost over 50 pounds.


17 Weight Loss Tips Based on Your Body Type

We all know the basics: don't spoil your sweet tooth, up your fiber game, drink lots of water. But what you may not know is that the effect and efficacy of your dietary decisions can be influenced by your body shape.
That's right, those double chocolate fudge bars may do a lot more damage to you than to your neighbor. Why? Your body type doesn't just have visual implications; it affects (and reflects) how you respond to food and on a deeper level than your metabolic makeup. "Your metabolism and eating habits will determine your percentage of lean muscle mass and body fat," says Maria A. Bella, MS, RD, CDN and founder of Top Balance Nutrition. "Where body fat is located on the body can be a major determinant of insulin sensitivity and weight gain. So, it's super important to eat according to your body type to ensure that your metabolism is working at its best." It's an underrated factor when it comes to efficiently reaching your weight and health goals, so here's a much-needed look at the best weight loss tips based on your body type. See where you fit in below and then discover these 55 Best-Ever Ways to Boost Your Metabolism!